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Below is a sample of the evaluations of my skills and competencies I received from my preceptors and monitor over the past two years categorized in accordance with the themes highlighted in the Profile of Practice Of Occupational Therapists in Canada (2012).  

Fieldwork II Preceptor

Fieldwork III Preceptor

1. Expert in Enabling Occupation

"Julie has developed a good understanding of cognitive challenges following ABI and how this may impact function. She has also developed a good knowledge of when/how to administer standardized cognitive assessments. She has continued to seek out evidence and other learning tools to develop her knowledge in this area. ​She has been extremely flexible and is always willing to change things quickly."  

"Through weekly reflections, meetings with her preceptors, both presentation, and the final report, Julie demonstrated a clear understanding of the OT lens and the OT role in consulting and systems-level change. In one of Julie’s weekly reflections, she considered how the work she was doing related to each of the OT roles/competencies (e.g. change agent, communicator, collaborator)."

Fieldwork II Preceptor

Fieldwork III Preceptor

Mentor at Term 2

2. Communicator

"Julie has communicated formally in rounds, family care conferences and during informal discussions with the team. Julie also regularly communicates with the patients during assessment and therapy sessions.  Julie has taken initiative to work on her communication, for example, she rehearsed and wrote out the verbal information for a care conference prior to delivering the information."

"Julie has continued to communicate effectively and professionally throughout this placement. Julie was very committed to her goal of developing her presentation skills and used a feedback survey again during the final presentation to guide feedback. The presentation was very well-done – it was clear, concise, and informative." 

"You respectfully shared different opinions regarding choices that people make, showing your ability to appreciate a point of view that is different from yours".

Fieldwork II Preceptor

3. Collaborator

"Julie always acts in a professional manner and is a team player. She collaborates very well with the team and seeks out appropriate learning opportunities.  Julie has a great understanding of both how and when to collaborate. Julie has been excellent at collaborating with the team and reaches out to ask questions and share treatment progress with team members. This is a strength of Julie's." 

Fieldwork III Preceptor

4. Practice Manager

"There were some evident time constraints that necessitated a shift in some aspects of the project plan. Rather than stick to a potentially un-manageable plan, Julie and her partner made sensible changes to the data procurement communicated those suggested shifts well and reasonably, and then carried on. Julie took initiative in the development of a survey tool and the process of delivery and distribution of that tool. The project was very well managed throughout, and the impressive results delivered on time." 

Fieldwork III Preceptor

on Reflection 

5. Change Agent

"I especially appreciated Julie’s ability to articulate the value of the OT lens as it is applied to a system-level understanding of our services to students." 

" She has been sensitive to important concepts such as disability, accessibility, and inclusion – as demonstrated by the care she took to ensure that the student survey was AODA compliant." 

"You bring up important issues that have an impact on not only you as a learner but may come up in clinical practice. You have described situations where you have been an advocate for others, and I would encourage you to continue to do so."

Fieldwork III Preceptor

6. Scholarly Practitioner

"Julie demonstrates a clear understanding of the general workings of our respective units, and the specific issue of cross-referrals we are grappling with. These conditions are reasonably complex and, through the staff interview and literature review processes, Julie has achieved a strong, necessary baseline knowledge." 

Fieldwork II Preceptor

Mentor at Term 2

7. Professional

"Julie is always very professional, caring, dedicated and works hard! She makes the patients feel comfortable and collaborates very well with the team." Fieldwork II Preceptor's Feedback

"Julie, I think that you have been professional in your demeanour, both in group and through our group chat."

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