Occupational Therapy Portfolio
As I am coming from a multi-disciplinary educational and professional background I value interprofessional collaboration for providing comprehensive and client-centred care with a holistic approach. In my time in the program, I completed 4 extra Interprofessional Education Elective activities and workshops beyond the mandatory requirements, for which I received a letter of distinction.
Interprofessional Approach to Promoting and Protecting Breastfeeding, Winter 2021
In this workshop, I explored with a small group of U of T interprofessional students our attitudes and values about breastfeeding. We also discussed myths related to breastfeeding and the roles of various health care providers in supporting women to achieve a successful breastfeeding experience. This group discussion helped to illustrate the contribution of each healthcare profession in facilitating a successful breastfeeding experience.
Case-Based: Pain Curriculum - Facilitated Interprofessional Teams, Winter 2021
By facilitating a group discussion I and a group of U of T students for other healthcare programs (including social work, physiotherapy, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy) were assigned to provide notes for our interprofessional treatment in a case of a woman following motor vehicle accident (MVA). We collaborated again as a team to present to our colleges a comprehensive care plan for a 13-year old gymnast who has been diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA). This workshop highlighted the importance of interprofessional collaboration for providing comprehensive, client-centred care. With each student bringing into the discussion their own unique professional perspective we were able to complete these tasks successfully as we were able to take a holistic approach by attending to the different elements of the patients and their needs. Click here for the full presentation
Virtual Rehabilitation, Summar 2020
For this activity, I joined an interprofessional students' team to learn and reflect on how rehabilitation teams are shifting from in-person care to virtual rehabilitation. After a panel discussion, we applied the new methods that we learned to a case within a small group. This activity was very insightful as it took place in the midst of the COVID-19 global pandemic, during which many rehabilitation settings were forced to shift their care and practices online.
Teamworks!, An IPE Virtual Simulation Experience, Summar 2020
For this interactive activity which involved gaming simulation, I engaged with a U of T interprofessional student team in collaborative decision-making about patient care. This allowed us to explore the healthcare provider interacting with a patient, family and team members from the virtual point of view. We debriefed our decisions and interprofessional competencies in different situations of patient care in a hospital. This activity simulated a real-life interprofessional team in a hospital that required working collaboratively and making decisions regarding patient care.
HIV & Rehabilitation, Winter 2020
This workshop included two components: Online modules and an in-person session. In preparation for an in-person workshop, I engaged in an online interprofessional discussion with U of T students from a variety of healthcare professions. We discussed information and materials provided to us in three different modules that included a literature review and personal stories of people with HIV and their rehabilitation. Then I met in-personal with the student peers for a case-based learning experience, during which we collaboratively planned an intervention. The intervention plan included the contribution of each profession's knowledge and scope of practice.
Health and Wellness, Fall 2019
During this workshop, I joined a group of students from a variety of U of T healthcare professions to learn about multiple notions of wellness. I engaged in a group discussion about personal and professional values of wellness. We reflected on the wellness life story of a community volunteer with a complex health history while discovering the social determinants of wellness (i.e., "lifestyle" versus "life chance") and applying critical thinking and improving wellness literacy.
Patient Safety Workshop, Fall 2019
During this workshop, we collaborated with other U of T students from healthcare professions to reflect on how effective communication contributes to patient safety in an interprofessional care environment, and I presented on how occupational therapists are involved in patient safety. We learned about the factors related to Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) that contribute to patient safety events. We discussed a system-level approach to patient safety. We applied the Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations (SBAR) framework to improve communication skills.